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Re: damn mom!!

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Posted by Nathan Wells on December 17, 2002 at 08:32:01:

In Reply to: damn mom!! posted by pimp_n_python on December 16, 2002 at 09:01:37:

First of all, having wild caught Texas ratsnakes in mom's house might not be the best of ideas. They can be extremely ill -tempered and a real handfull at times. Although captive born animals can make fine additions to the collection, a nasty ratsnake can leave a bad taste in mom's mouth and a lasting empression.
You might want to consider keeping something more docile, an animal that your mother might enjoy herself. Find a snake that she thinks is beautiful, like a milk or king. Once she has fallen into that trap you might find your mom right where you want her. If she sees how much you love your animals she might become very supportive of your hobby.
But, no matter what, always remember that when you live under mom's go by mom's rules. I know this can be irritating for I have been there myself. I was not actually allowed to keep snakes in the house until I moved out. I now have a collection of around 85 high end hondurans, and alterna. I also have a nice collection of various venemous snakes, which now keeps her out of my house..LOL.
Anyways, be patient and very selective on the new additions to your collection. Good luck.

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