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Complete Chelonian Taxonomy List

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Posted by DarrellS on November 14, 2002 at 23:47:35:

The World Chelonian Trust wishes to express sincere thanks to the Tewksbury Institute of Herpetology (TIH) for providing the information which has allowed us to build the newest addition to the WCT web site at

Maurice Rodrigues of the TIH has compiled The Complete Chelonian Taxonomy List which the TIH has graciously offered to us for display on our site. We have converted this incredible compilation into a web page and linked the 222 species / subspecies shown in the photo galleries of the WCT to their respective listings. We believe this chelonian taxonomy list is the most up-to-date listing of the taxonomy of turtles and tortoises as it is understood today.

The page is entitled "The Complete Chelonian Taxonomy List". Links to it can be found on most of the WCT main index pages as well as the gallery index pages. A link is also provided from near the top of our main page at .

Taxonomic nomenclature is ever-changing and as such this page will never be a "finished" product but rather a "living document". As the status of genuses, species, and subspecies changes we have in place a system to update this taxonomic listing online. I fully expect this to be a weekly update.

In addition, as photos come in, we will continue to expand the WCT photo galleries and provide links from the taxonomic list wherever warranted.

Please be aware that this page is well over 500 lines long (900K) and may take a while to download with a slower connection. It is our hope and intent that this will be a useful tool for the chelonian world at all levels of expertise.

In addition: On this page there is a link to a brief overview of the mission and goals of the Tewksbury Institute of Herpetology.

Thank you


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