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What we have in our classroom, works out fine....(more)

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Posted by shannons on September 14, 2002 at 22:26:36:

In Reply to: Please help..QUESTIONS ON CAGING for Ball Python posted by umtata1 on August 22, 2002 at 10:42:23:

Hi! Our school janitor recently had to give up his adult female ball python - she has been great so far in my eighth grade classroom. She has a 20 gallon aquarium (if you get one this big for a baby make sure it has lots of hiding places - a ball's habitat is natuarally small and confined - too much space makes them stressed.) She is housed on Repti-Bark to keep her humidity up. Ours only has a water dish - not one to soak in - but one large enough for the snake to curl up in is probably preferable. She has a screen top which we weight down to prevent escape - a cage lock would be better. Her hide-box is one of those cut in half hollow logs and she has a standard heating bulb on one side of the tank. We're kinda' new to this also, but let me know if you have any questions I can help you with...

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