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Re: Please help..QUESTIONS ON CAGING for Ball Python

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Posted by Cidly on August 24, 2002 at 16:36:00:

In Reply to: Please help..QUESTIONS ON CAGING for Ball Python posted by umtata1 on August 22, 2002 at 10:42:23:

:What is the best housing for a ball python? I want to be able to be VERY creative and replicate it's natural habitat.

:I can't find any info on if it's safe/SECURE enough to house a ball python in a reptarium screen cage. Would it be a problem to regulate heat/humidity (& clean) since it's all open, or would heat lamps be ok? I don't want my snake to hurt its nose trying to escape either. I've seen reptariums with 2 glass sides, or a soft strong mesh instead of a screen-- would either of these be better?

:Or are the terriums/aquariums (that's the same right?) simply a better choice?
:Would it be silly of me to get a 40-60 g t/a for a baby ball python w/lots of toys and hiding places? I just want my snake to be happy...

:I'd appreciate any responses!

I could tell you the set up you should have , but im not an expert and Ive only had a ball python for about a week, there is actually a "ball python forum" go there and post this message, you will get more responses.

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