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Re: Emerald Swift

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Posted by ingo on August 13, 2002 at 08:39:10:

In Reply to: Emerald Swift posted by Andyfred on August 12, 2002 at 23:18:52:


very delicate lizards which need a special montane type setup. In common rainforest or desert setups, 90 % of specimes seem to start well and then rapidly decline. Strangely like 2-10% survive long under strangest conditions. But I would not rely on that.
So take a tall tank, furnish it with thick pine trunks and branches. Put a very strong light on top (metal halide) and take care for extreme well vemtilation. Than allow like 90F under the basking spot but take great care that there are regions in the 60s available all the time. let the temp drop strongly at night. Preferably down to the 50s (it may even freeze in the original habitat). Also heavily mist in the morning and evening to raise humidity close to 100% but take care that it largely dries out at daytime. These are like the bare essentials. You see: Not a low maintenance animal.
Good luck


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