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Re: Humane Society's Latest Release

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Posted by Wildlife Rescue on November 07, 2001 at 21:41:00:

In Reply to: Humane Society's Latest Release posted by Samcin on October 23, 2001 at 10:13:59:

Thank you for posting this URL. I have recieved word from a few places about this, but have not read it myself, except for now. I personally find this release absolutely appauling. I plan to contact them and ask for copies of all their documentation for these supposed numbers and statistics that they state. I plan to do some research of my own to find out what the real numbers are by calling or visiting hospitals in major cities to find out the number of salomenella cases they recieve, and how exactly do they determine them to be reptilian in origin as opposed to being a bad piece of bacon.
I also find it interesting how they say that large constrictors are "frequently" associated with strangulation of children. According to my sources, there is an average of less than 1 death a year by a large constrictor in the U.S. in the last decade. Funny how they fail to mention the 15 + deaths annually due to canine attacks, not to mention the thousands of hospital reports of dog and cat bites and scratches.
I guess the point of this post, aside from the opportunity to vent, is that we don't need to sit back and let this happen. There are ways to challenge their made-up statistics, and ways to interpret their malicious wording. I just hope we can all do our parts in our communities to try and repair the damage and tame the fears that these fanatics have caused.

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