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Organizations and Affiliations

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Posted by Tom Bennett on September 06, 2001 at 20:12:48:

Since John's earlier question about people with AZA certification didn't get any response I was wondering if there were any other resources that you use as an educator that you find valuable. I really didn't expect John to get much response from AZA affiliates since in my experience they tend to network among themselves and not on open forums such as this one. I'm assuming that the people that check this forum tend to be private individuals that take reptiles to schools and also full time classroom teachers. I would be interested to hear from both of those groups regarding any organizations that you belong to, conferences you attend, or publications you receive.
Personally I am a member of Southeast Hot Herp Society(SHHS) and have been to the Wildlife Exhibitor and Breeder Conference (WEB Conference). SHHS seems to be a great organization but I can't make it to the activities because I am usually doing shows on the weekends when they have events and the WEB Conference was interesting but had very little to do with education and more with zoo exhibiting and breeding.
So I am looking for any other ideas.

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