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Snakes to school for the day

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Posted by Rebecca on December 18, 1998 at 06:24:47:

Hi, all!

I'm looking for suggestions on how to bring a snake or two to school for an all day visit. I know many teachers keep herps at school and others bring them to schools for educational demonstrations.

However, I have a classroom of young students in an alternative school (for severe behavior disorders) who can't handle having a snake as a resident class pet at this point. (We're getting there.... we're currently at the turtle stage!!) But I'd like to bring a couple corns, and maybe a ball, just for a day.

Any suggestions as to how to transport them (hour long commute!) and how to house them during the day? What would be an appropriate enclosure and how would I best keep it warm?

My love of snakes is many years old but I'm a relative novice at keeping them.

Thanks in advance,

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