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Re: Retic eats person - or pig ?

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Posted by Jeri on May 23, 2001 at 14:05:16:

In Reply to: Retic eats person - or pig ? posted by Animals for Education on April 08, 2001 at 04:10:43:

: I had trouble retrieving the pictures at the URL you provided. However, I presume these are the same photos that I have seen elsewhere lately - they feature a hugely engorged Reticulated Python roped up to the back of a pick-up truck (apparently somewhere in S.E. Asia) and the ensuing photos show the removal of a seemingly grown person from its stomach.

: There still seems to be some debate about the validity of these images. Some say it's real, while others suggest the snake actually consumed a large pig (or something similar) and the photo session was 'doctored' to make it appear as though a human being was extracted.

: Who knows ? - To me, either explanation is plausible.

: -Stay Tuned!

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