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Posted by rowad on May 03, 2003 at 13:04:59:

In Reply to: well.... posted by roadspawn on May 03, 2003 at 10:54:08:

I got my two from Bert Bert's facility they are terrain bred and free roaming within outdoor confines...this means they do not get handled the way some others might. The plus is you have a very healthy animal...bert sells GREAT lizards...the down side is you have to get him used to captivity and handling. I would much rather have the healthy animal so you made the right choice. I got a very friendly dragon from another breeder...and he was sick from the start and died...he was EXTREMELY outgoing and sweet...but it made it so hard when he was hospitalized and died :(

:I got him from Agama. He is growing fast. I will let him be for a while. He only runs when he sees my hand coming for him. If I stick my hand in to change the water or change his feed dish (mealworms), he wont dash off. I also feed him crickets. I will try to pet him and give him the choice of staying or leaving. But for now I will let him be.

::Where did you get him? It depends on his temperatment not his size. If you try and chase hyim down to handle him, he will run when he sees you...and this will happen longer then if you left him alone for a while. There are some asians that you could handle right away (even some aussies) depending on how they were raised before you got them.
::Just keep feeding him and you'll see one day when you open the cage and he sees your hand, he won't run. At this time slowly take your hand and attempt to pet him while in the cage. When you do this the first few times he will most likely run anyway...let he sees it's a choice of his and that you mean no harm.
::It's a slow process. Did you say you had two or one?

:::My aussie is about 2 inches head to vent. Is he young enough to start handling everyday. Or should I leave him alone? What do you think? Thanks....



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