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Re: box turtles at dfw expo

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Posted by Matt_015 on September 02, 2002 at 14:47:47:

In Reply to: Re: box turtles at dfw expo posted by wayneminot on September 02, 2002 at 14:18:39:

:if it was me i would get a day gecko lllreptiles has normal leopards for 13.99 but once you pay shipping it wouldnt be worth it you can probably find one for about $25 or so at a petco or petsmart near your house

Do you know a lot about day geckos? I have emailed several people and asked which would be good for a beginner (I've had mediterranean geckos, and anoles, so I'm not a total beginner... just a beginner to day geckos), but they haven't written back yet. I'd like a colorful one, and one that likes higher humidity levels (so I can put it in a planted terrarium with moss, etc.).

Phelsuma dubia is a neat looking one. Also Phelsuma ornata and Phelsuma guimbeaui. I also like Phelsuma Boehmi's, but I have never seen a picture of an adult. I'm sure like most geckos, the adult Boehmi looks quite different from a hatchling. On the site listed below it says the Madagascar Giant day geckos are relatively easy to care for, and the Boehmi is a subspecies of the Madagascar Giant day gecko. The peacock day geckos are pretty neat as well, and I read that they are fairly hardy.

I don't want a really small one, 5" and up as an adult is fine.


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