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Justin, I couldn't agree more!

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Posted by Seth Blundell on November 30, 2001 at 18:00:17:

In Reply to: This is what I have noticed posted by Justin @ Red River on November 30, 2001 at 15:49:51:

: I have noticed That if you say you keep Hots you are put out to be a unsafe and careless person looking for Machoism and Trying to be Cool. I am not Careless or unsafe all of my animals are in Safe Cages in a Locked room. and I would not keep them any other way. I feel people think we are looking for peers to look up to us becouse we keep hot snakes. I am not like this. I can really care less if anyone knows or not. I do not think I am better than anyone else becouse I keep Hots it is just what I enjoy spending my time with. and If Cobras where not Hot I would still love them There is just something about them that has captivated me ever since I was a little boy that had no idea what a Venomous snake was or what the word "Hot" meant. I agree that not all people should keep Hot snakes But I will also say this for Boas or Pythons or Hognose snake Ect. for the reason that not all of these snakes can be taken care of buy certain people do the the Special Reqirements they have. But you have to admit that all Herps have thier Place and the Venomous need to be bred in Captivity for the same exact reason the NonVens need to and that is to stop Wild Collection of these animals. I see ALOT of Wild Collected Hots come in every year and I would like to think that some day this will stop for good becouse there is no demand for them anymore in the hobbie. My Point is While some people Pick Boas,Pythons,Corns,Kings,Ect. I happend to pick the Hot Snakes and I am working with Mainly Naja becouse this is what has held my attention all of my life. and I will continue to work with these animals untill I am unable to for whatever reason that may be.
: Sorry so long
: But I could go on and on with this.
: Thank You
: Justin

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