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With a heavy heart....2 Iguanas need a good home

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Posted by Dan on November 12, 2000 at 15:21:48:

I currently have 2 7-8 month old Igs that, due to real life circumstances, will need a good home before Jan. 1st. My wife and I will be relocating to Florida, and no matter how I try to figure out where to keep them, there just isn't room. They are happy and healthy, and moderately tame, but completely unsocialized. They rarely whip (they haven't whiped in months) and have never attempted to bite. Their claws have never been trimmed, as they will scratch occasionally, but never intentionally.

They are currently housed in a 4 foot high, 2&1/2 foot wide by 2 feet deep PVC coated cage of hardware cloth with 1 florecent, one florecent/incandecent, one dual incandecent and one "crome dome" lighting fixture. The cage and lighting fixtures go with the Iguanas. I would like to find someone that has experience with Igs that can give them a good home, and they will be provided free, with cage and lighting and cage furnishings (climbing ladder covered with twine, some wood perchs, etc.) if someone with experience with Igs can take them.

I hate to give them up - they've been wonderful herps, and are just getting to the age where I was starting to work heavily on their sociallazation and allowing them to free-roam some. I've fed them a mix of Zoo-Med moist Ig food and fresh greens, with the appropriate supplements, and they appear to be exceedingly healthy. I believe them to be one male and one female, the male being the smaller and fiestier of the 2, tho in truth, I can't say I'm 100% certain of their sexes, as I've sexed them mearly on observation rather then via probing.

Please E-mail me if you'd be able to give my babies (female is named Jade and male is named Rocky, and they do seem to have some vague recognition of their names) a new home.

The unfortunate fact is that this move is something we didn't anticipate (couldn't anticipate) and so I have to thin out my reptile population.

Feel free to E-mail me with questions or for more information. They are approximately a bit under 3 feet long.


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