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Re: pic**** large diamondback water snake

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Posted by michael-DFW on March 09, 2003 at 09:14:35:

In Reply to: pic**** large diamondback water snake posted by monitor_boy2000 on March 07, 2003 at 15:32:41:


There may not be much you can do about loss of herps within city limits. You can write letters and encourage your family or others to write letters or call the city or county suggesting that "greenbelts" or some creeks and ponds be allowed to remain without being channelized or bulldozed. Talk about it as a source of enrichment and education for the citizens - for kids to be able to hear frogs or for wading birds, etc. Don't try to sell it as a spot where water snakes can continue to flourish - they just wouldn't understand!

Also support urban parks that specifically do preserve some areas in their natural state and use it for education - such as River Legacy in Arlington or the Ft. Worth Nature Center.

If you're serious about a concern for loss of herps as cities grow, do some reading on the subject of "sprawl" or "urban sprawl". An internet search using those terms will bring up lots of reading. Protecting some of the remaining undisturbed areas outside of cities will do more to protect herps than efforts within the city (though both are good ideas).

Good luck,

Michael Smith

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