Beitrag von: Nightflight99 on Februar 11, 2000 at 14:49:58:
Mich wuerde interessieren, wie weit die Preise von Schlangen sich unterscheiden zwischen Europa und USA. Hier in den Staaten gelten folgende Durchschnittspreise:
I would like to find out to what degree the retail prices of snakes differ between Europe and the US. Here are some of the average retail prices in the US:
Colombian Boa constrictor $75.00
True red-tail boa $250.00
Green Tree Python $500.00
Burmese python $100.00
Ball Python $50.00
Corn Snake $40.00
Brazilian Rainbow Boa $125.00
Colombian Rainbow Boa $100.00
Kingsnake $40.00
Mandarin Ratsnake (CB) $500.00
Western Diamond Rattlesnake $50.00