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5% protein for captive Cyclura's?

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Posted by Vargas on April 26, 2003 at 04:36:03:

So far in the diet information that I have read on the Cyclura, I see that there is consistent suggestion to use 5% animal protein.
Such as Monkey Chow, "good" dog food , meal worms, crickets etc. Being an owner of a Green Iguana, most all
up to date research on the captive Green Iguana diet tends to exclude completely the use of any animal protein. Diets that suggest using any animal protein even 5% for Green Iguanas are considered inaccurate and out of date. So I am wondering - How important is the use of 5% animal protein to Cyclura owners on this list? Do experienced owners of Cyclura find that 5% is a requirement for long term health or is its use practiced because researchers have noted that Cyclura in the wild tend to occasionally consume dead birds, bugs etc? (Green Iguanas have been observed doing the same in some regions) After hearing so much bad health issues linked to using animal protein of any amount with Green Iguanas, my reflex is set to dismiss this information as out of date, but on the other hand I realize there are differences between the Green Iguana and the Cyclura and I would hate to make a mistake that can be so easily remedied.
Any help as always very appreciated.
Thanks for being here! Steve
*another example of a Cyclura Diet that prompted my question--
Diet below: (note the use of Bok Choy - I read that was a real bad choice for Green Igs so is that another exception or is this info not 100%?

An appropriate diet for Cuban igua-nas should be based primarily on leafy greens that are high in calcium, including kale, collard greens, rnustard greens, bok choy and others. These should comprise 85 percent of the diet for hatchlings and 90 percent of the diet for adults. Small amounts of protein should also be provided by feeding mar-moset chow, monkey chow, insects, or other live food. However too much animal protein can be very harmful, and in the long run may cause serious problems for these herbivorous lizards. It is critical that protein be limited to 5 percent daily for juveniles and 1 to 2 percent daily for adults. The remainder of the diet should consist of other vegetables, fruits and flowers. Brightly colored flowers appear to attract iguanas and favorite food items include Hibiscus, Nasturtium, and rose petals. Water should be available to the animals at all times, especially to hatchlings (which often become dehydrated very easily).

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