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Re: Free Roaming

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Posted by Matthew W. on April 03, 2003 at 15:21:48:

In Reply to: Re: Free Roaming posted by SBM on April 03, 2003 at 13:09:25:

Well, Petros' lights go on at 6:00 but he usually doesn't come out of his cave until 8 or 9. Fresh food and water are put in his bowls as soon as he comes out, sometimes before. He has fresh salad available to him all day so he eats whenever he wants to (which is pretty much all day). Usually he comes out of his cage in the morning soon after coming out of his cave and he is put into his potty immediately. If he climbs out we put him back in until he poops. He poops right away almost always. Sometimes it takes a couple of tries and sometimes he wont go and he just goes back to his cage. When he comes out again we repeat the process. He isn't allowed to roam the room until he has pooped so he's either in his cage or in his box until he has done so. Like I said he's been very good about doing it in his box. I think if Petros had it his way he'd poop on the bed (as he has a few times) but I am hopping he will learn to go to the box on his own when he is a little older.


:More questions:
:What time to you put him in his box to do his business? How does this relate to when you feed him? Lately, he has been soaking and then once I let him out since he doesnt go, within an hour he does his business on my lazyboy, where I frequently have his lamp and food (he seems to really like going there). Additionally I get home about 11:30 to 12 and try to take him out within a few hours and then let him soak and once that is finished feed him. After that I may leave him in my room or put him back in his tank.

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