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Re: What is going on with this forum?!?! and ?s for bobby...

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Posted by bobl on February 10, 2003 at 16:41:09:

In Reply to: What is going on with this forum?!?! and ?s for bobby... posted by creaturemd on February 10, 2003 at 13:47:31:

:I checked a couple of days ago and everything was changed. Today everything is back to normal, but a lot of new posts are missing. Where are all the pictures that Tom posted of bobby's lewisi hybrids? If you're reading this bobby, I was curious about the lineage of your hybrid with no chevrons. It looked like a female...solid baby blue with no stripes whatsoever. I've never seen one quite like that, only heard about 'em in cyclura legends:)...Please let me know if you have any info on her origins. Thanks!

I think Kingsnake went back to the old Forum format and the pics may be deleted.
The clean looking Hybrid is a male and a stunning example of what Bob Ehrig produces for Hybrid Lewisi. Bob doesn't mass produce his Hybrids by breeding them to what ever he has available to produce Hybrids that aren't really blue and have lots of chevrons. The sire is 100% pure Lewisi and the female is damn close. That's why Bob's Hybrids look so pure.
Those were old pictures of my Hybrid and he is a lot bigger now.
I'll get new pics soon.


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