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Re: first ig need HELP long

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Posted by coyote12899 on January 27, 2003 at 12:59:17:

In Reply to: Re: first ig need HELP long posted by clee4560 on January 27, 2003 at 12:45:57:

::My husband got me and ig for my B-Day last week. I picked Spike, the ig, out at the pet store. They told me he was a Mexican Spiney Back or Black Iguana. I have looked at a ton of web sites, bought 2 books and spent hours at the library and I can't find but 1 pic "Iguanas For Dummies By Milissa Kaplan". The pic is bottom of facing chapter 18. Spike is around 8 to 9 inches long not including tail and too skinny, I think, he seems to have a lot of loose skin.

::I need help with ID, diet (he is get getting ig salad now and does not seem impressed, he only take a couple on bites) and anything else.

::I fell in love with this little guy when I first saw him and I want to keep him healthy and happy. I don't feel the information I got at the pet store was correct and I want informantion from some experts.

::Sorry this is so long but I am worried and do need help.

::Coyote (Debra)

:well i'm not an expert.but i do have a coupel of ctenosaura.what kind of cage?right now 50gal.or larger will be o.k but plan on a custom built cage at some least one basking site 110f two hide spots one on hot side one at cool end some sturdy rocks and branchs for cilmbing and i use power sun uvb basking witch seem to work great.but your book should explain other option' i give mine red or green dandylions i can get at market grated squash,zuccine,carrot and some fruit once in a while also once a week i give crickets or mealworms.what you have is most likely ctenosaura similis maybe pectinata or quinquecarinata try to post a pic.let me know if any of this helps.chris
I took some photos and took them to cvs to be developed that should be here in a couple of days.

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