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snakes in Ashboro?

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Posted by Chris on July 15, 2002 at 14:50:55:

In Reply to: Re: snakes in NC? posted by EK on July 14, 2002 at 17:57:12:


I'm now wondering what went wrong here. I've tried to post a message to you, but it seems to reproducing your message minus what I have added. I'll try again

I've been here just over three years. I've been to the NC zoo in Ashboro. The zoo has has a descent reptile exhibit. The countryside out that way is beautiful- ralling hills with lots of forest and rock. Ashboro is about a 45 minute to an hour for me. I live in Chapel Hill, so I'm close to 64 which runs directy to Ashboro.

Yes, night crusing sounds good. I'm presently busy with a summer course, but am available for half a day on Saturdays. I'll be completely free from Aug. 2nd- 18th.

Regarding the Sandhills, I've seen a black racer, green anoles, ground skinks, and fence swifts - nothing much to brag about. I think I may have heard a pigmy rattlesnake, but can't say for sure in light of having never before encountering one and not actually seeing the animal.


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