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Thanks everyone for the Mohave advise

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Posted by DesertDove on April 30, 2003 at 09:50:40:

Of course, having asked the question, I haven't seen him since.

Chip, I appreciate the offer, but can move him myself. I just moved a good sized Diamondback from the wildlife rehab facility where I work. And, I would never even consider letting him, or any other animal, go to the U of A. Sorry, but I have (LEGALLY) adopted animals from the "Animal Resources" at the med ctr and a very low opnion of how they're kept and treated.

For the moment, I'll just wait and see. That's what I end up doing every year.

Considering this guy's size, I would think he could be 20+ years old. I have great respect for that and would strongly prefer to just let him be. It would reeeelly nice if he weren't so darned aggressive though!

Oh, and its his size as much as anything that makes me think its the same snake.

On a side note, we had a visit from a gorgeous Gila monster yesterday morning. Very handsome guy

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