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Re: C'mon creep........

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Posted by Barney on March 24, 2003 at 16:05:04:

In Reply to: Re: C'mon creep........ posted by creep77 on March 23, 2003 at 15:00:48:

:What about NYS? Any idea what is going on w/DEC?
No.....Can you fill me in?

:So snakes cross roads, collecting them has the same effect as roadkilling, possibly even worse as not all snakes on the road are killed.

From a biological perspective road kills and road collected animals are the same thing. The animal is no longer part of that gene pool. From a morality perspective a dead snake and one that is given proper housing and care are not the same. This is not by any means, justification for anyone to collect every snake they find on a road. I rarely even do anything except take a few pictures and scoot them off to the side.

My whole point is road collecting is the least of a snake populations worries. Habitat destruction, predation and disease are all far bigger concerns, then a person who wants to bring a rattlesnake home and put it in a cage.

Give some collectors a chance and they'll pick up everything they see.
:Over time, one who is experienced in the field of wildlife biology (and its bureaucratic idiosyncrises(sp?))can easily distinguish those whose hobbies have nothing to do with their everyday jobs, and don't take into consideration how delicate our surrounding ecosystems really are.

: or no degree, what evidence exists which supports your view? I have yet to read a valid study that provides data to back up what your saying. I can't fathom how anyone with a science background can beleive that road collecting does any harm at all to a population. The roads do the majority of the damage and in turn mother nature does her best to account for that.
::What's the point in arguing over something that you can't support. People have been collecting from roads for years and will continue to do so as long as it is legal to do so. If the impact was as great as some of you try and pretend it is, state wildlife agencies would surely be aware of that fact and would act accordingly.


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