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Re: Crotalus Native to Pennsylvania

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Posted by tj on February 11, 2003 at 12:09:00:

In Reply to: Crotalus Native to Pennsylvania posted by reptile world on February 11, 2003 at 08:49:51:

Eastern massasauga's are protected pretty much in all of there range, timber's however, are not. I know you can collect timber rattlesnakes in Pa, but not sure how many. I think you need a fishing license, but not positive. I'm not very good at describing snakes, but massasauga's are much smaller, they have 9 plates on there heads, and don't have the ocular ridge that timber's do.

:Some guy came into the shop I work in, and was asking if anyone wanted baby rattlers. I started talking to him and he said that he collects them on his property in Pennsylvania.

:Now, if I recall, there is a species of ratler in PA that is extreamly endagered. I told him this, and his reponse was, "So".

:Anyway, is there another species located in PA that is not endangered? How would I tell the difference between the two?

:Either way, I dont like the fact that he is gatering wild rattlers and selling them to people who may nave little to no experiance with reptiles. It would be even worse though if the snake was endangered.

:Please let me know what information you can. Pictures would be helpfull. Thanks.

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