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Beware Of The Rattlesnake (humor)

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Posted by outonalimbo on October 06, 2002 at 14:55:08:

There was a guy driving down the road when he ran out of gas. He went to the nearest house to ask for some. As soon as the homeowner opened the door it started to pour. So the guy asked if he could stay overnight. The owner said, "Okay, the barn is in back of the house. But if you see a rattler in the barn, whatever you do, don't touch it."

So the man went up to the barn but was too curious. He started looking around and spotted the huge monster rattlesnake. He decided to see what it would do if he threw a rock at it or made faces. He did both of these things, but nothing happened.

So the man went and touched the snake. Up the rattler jumped and chased the man all over the barn. When the man finally got backed into a corner, he thought surely he was going to die! So he cowered and rolled up into a tiny ball.

When the Rattler came over, he touched the man and said, "You're it!"

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