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For Mr. Retes, about the photo.....

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Posted by Blackwater on September 22, 2002 at 07:27:09:

In Reply to: For Jaffo, about the pic. posted by FR on September 22, 2002 at 02:25:42:

: I came here to have fun and share, but it seems, you and some others know it all, well, you don't.

I like to have fun. I also like to learn. The picture you posted was terrible, Mr. Retes, at best. That doesn't indicate a willingness to share information. It indicates a desire to screw with my head. If you wanted to make it fun and informative, why didn't you post a good quality picture of the snake's tail? I have seen your "good" pictures on the classifieds, so I know you have the ability to take good snaps....

You're a pretty smart guy, in my book, but people have a tendancy to try to read far too much into the things you say. I try to read the words you write and decipher the literal meaning for myself without reading more into what it there, than is really there. It is unfortunate that we can't convince you to write more and play less. I think you have a lot to share, but I believe you get far too much enjoyment toying with we ignorants to really share what you know.

I recall a conversation I had with you and Pete Kuhn at the last Orlando show about monitor lizards. It was the only time I've really ever spoken with you. I found that brief talk to be very enlightening. I'd imagine that you were bored with what the topic was, and that you'd probably never remember even discussing monitor lizards with me. The purpose for me having brought this up is this; Everything we say and do has the possibility of profoundly influencing someone to do something. You more than likely were busy thinking about what you were going to have to eat for breakfast when we talked. I was interested in finding answers. Funny how people have different agendas..... My purpose for reading the message boards here is purely for entertainment value these days. The opportunity to learn much of anything has faded because of trolls, clowns and fools. When I read a message posted to the forum(s) by someone like you, I always get my hopes up that there may actually be a tidbit of learning available in the message. I normally get disappointed.

If you have something to share, please do. If you want to toy with the less fortunates (or intellectually inferior ones), please don't. We have enough to deal with on the venomous forums, with the completely stupid trolls this aspect of the hobby seems to attract.... We could use some really interesting threads, and I beg of you not to detract from the quality of posts here, when it is obvious you could contribute so much more.

Tom Townsend....

(I was the guy with two young boys, introduced to you on a Friday morning by Russ Lockenwitz in the lobby of the hotel)


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