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Tiger/Speck hybrids?? Ever found one seen one?

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Posted by lateralis on September 09, 2002 at 13:22:34:

I found a snake yesterday that appeared to be a tiger rattler, but on further inspection at home I believe I may have found a hybrid. It really seems to share both characteristics. It was found east of I 17 and north (15) miles or so of Phoenix. It is a stunning pink/salmon color has a smallish head but it has a hint of a white ring on the tail. Ive never seen a tiger with white rings or even a hint of one. Im trying to do scale counts and I will also try to post a photo. Its only about 18 inches long with a fairly stout rattle, again its not a huge rattle but its also not small. Very confusing little snake. It is a beauty but if its not a tiger than it goes back - I need a girlfriend for my male tigris that is pure.

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