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Re: Timber Rattlesnakes

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Posted by K.E. on August 30, 2002 at 11:24:23:

In Reply to: Re: Timber Rattlesnakes posted by EK on August 29, 2002 at 18:06:28:

:I usually don't see them with more than just the head and neck into it. However I do have captive copperheads that will sit in the rienert posture with half the body into it in the corner of the cage.

:That is a great shot BTW and a beautiful horridus-where was the picture taken?

I find it an honor and a privledge to be able to observe these animals in the wild. They are amazing. I have found them under tin before, as well as in trash heaps, but nothing even comes close to observing one in a forest type setting where they blend in and are nearly impossible to see even when you are staring right at them. I have heard numerous horror stories about people having their sites ramsacked after telling someone a location. I have observed that it is usually not the person you tell, but a friend of a friend of a friend. For this reason I will say no more than that the snake is from the glorious state of Kentucky. It is one of the few remaining states that still has healthy populations. In these parts we aim to keep it that way be keeping ur mouths shut!!

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