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Posted by Mr. Sonora on August 23, 2002 at 16:56:12:

In Reply to: Sidewinders posted by Navin R Johnson on August 12, 2002 at 21:52:05:

First off, where do you live? If you are in Arizona or California, you are good to keep the snake (as far as laws go) with the exception of some cities.

Now, my first hot snake was indeed a Crotalus cerastes. I personally feel that they are a rather good first hot, if, and only if, you have a ready supply of feeder lizards. I'm not saying that it is impossible to get winders to take rodents, I have had several different winders that did, but you should definitely have an available source of Banded Geckos or Side-blotched Lizards to fall back on. If you live within the Sidewinder's range, and have a car, that should be no problem.

Now as far as keeping it, I think your cage might be a bit big. But whatever, I'm sure the winder will appreciate it. I would recommend providing it with a water bowl (some recommend against this) as I have had captives drink, and have also had captives get rather dehydrated without one. I think you'll do alright, although juveniles are a lot harder to take care of than adults.

Finally, although all Crotalus are highly venemous snakes and should be given the respect as such at all times, Crotalus cerastes is the least venemous of them all. That is something to consider. I personally don't think they are any more venemous than copperheads, and the copperheads are illegal to keep in CA and AZ.

My $.02 ... let us know if you get the snake.

Mr. Sonora

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