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IMPORTANT INFO -- Forum switchover in effect

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Posted by PHWyvern on May 12, 2003 at 23:24:00:

Re-launch of the new Forums.

As you may or may not have known, the various Pet Hobbyist sites have been transitioning over to a new forum/message board system. The time has finally arrived for the re-launch of the forums.

You can now find the new Forums here:

Please read the important information that has been provided on the new forums as it will help assist you during this transition time (posts were made on all of the species forums and on some of the general topic forums).

Since this forum system is not compatible with the old one, we will not be able to transfer messages from the 'old' forums over to the 'new' ones, though you are welcome to copy and paste your own messages from the old forums over to the new ones if you wish to carry over some current discussions.

We will be archiving the posts from the old forums and links will be provided on the new forums that will lead to the archived area. Once archived, the old forums will be locked out for posting to (but can still be read) by people. Time frame between transition, archiving, and lock out by the techs cannot be properly estimated and may happen without warning any time during the next few days.


PHWyvern Forum Leader
InsectHobbyist Site Coordinator/Forum Leader
ExoticHobbyist Site Coordinator/Forum Leader

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