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Posted by Serpwidgets on May 12, 2003 at 21:55:20:

In Reply to: hypo, het hypo???? posted by Hurley on May 12, 2003 at 20:15:02:

I've got a proven het for hypo whose belly is all faded out. But then so is his dad's (looks the same) and Dad is NOT het hypo.

Meanwhile I've got an amber and charcoal ghost... with both of them, you would never suspect they were hypos just by looking at the belly.

Also, the offspring from a het hypo to a non-het non-hypo were split down the middle in "lightness."

I've seen evidence both ways: no "proof" that hypo cannot affect the phenotype when het, and some correlations have been noticed in some lines.

It's not predictable enough at this point to feel safe saying "this one's het for hypo, you can tell by looking at it."

Nobody has sat down and done specific experiments to try to prove anything. Until then, it will only be speculation, and maybe a pipe dream. But at this point it's still a possibility.

It would be nice if we could figure out what's going on. ;-)

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