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breed these two get this phase ????

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Posted by Kat on May 12, 2003 at 21:53:42:

In Reply to: breed these two get this phase ???? posted by outspokean on May 12, 2003 at 21:21:01:

:hypo + caramel =amber
:amelanistic +anery B=blizzard
:amelanistic+ caramel=Butter
:hypo +anery A =Ghost

Not quite... hypo X caramel = normals double het for amber. Breeding the normals dh amber will yield some ambers, if the odds are with you. Same goes for the other ones listed in that group.

To get an amber in the F1 generation, assuming you don't want to start by just buying ambers, you could buy a caramel het hypo, and a hypo het caramel for some variety. Likewise, you could get an amel het charcoal and a charcoal het amel for the blizzard, amel het caramel and caramel het amel for butters, and hypo het anery and anery het hypo for the ghosts. Basically any combination where both snakes are atleast het for BOTH of the traits you're trying to mix.

:amelanistic +miami=candy cane
:hypo+ miami=crimson

Candycanes and crimsons are selectively bred amelanistic miamis and hypo miamis, respectively. This means that you can't just cross amels and miamis and hope to get candy canes in the second generation. Generations of selective breeding for the whitest white backgrounds and soforth is necessary.

You're pretty much stuck buying candycanes and crimsons here, unless you've got lots of time on your hands to try and produce your own line.

:creamsicle+sunglow =harvest

Ya got me on this one... I'm pretty sure a harvest corn IS some sort of creamsicle derivative, but I haven't a clue how to produce it.

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