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Creamsicle? Female

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Posted by draybar on May 12, 2003 at 18:42:54:

In Reply to: Creamsicle? Female posted by IcedGoddess on May 12, 2003 at 09:43:59:

:Isn't a creamsicle a name for an intergrade, not just a color?
:so many names it's hard to keep them straight. But doesn't creamsicle just meant it has emory blood?

::Here's a pic of the female that's responsible for my newfound addiction to breeding/owning corns. She bred and laid 8 fertile eggs last spring with a 100% hatch rate. She bred to my male snow and produced 5 amels and 3 snows, indicating she is het anery herself.
::Question . . . She was purchased (for $30 believe it or not!!) as a creamsicle from a private individual, but I question wether she is or not simply due to coloration. She looks more like an amel okeetee or possibly fluorescent. Is there any way to tell for sure from appearance?? I will post a belly shot next.


Yes it is an Amel, but it is an amel with emoryi blood.
That is why you were told creamsicle. This is to let you know there is Emoryi blood.
It is a beautiful snake and looks a little like a Reverse Okeetee, there may be some Okeetee in there somehwere.
If you give away, or sell, any of the offspring be sure to let any new owners know of the Emoryi blood.

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