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i might not survive

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Posted by IcedGoddess on May 12, 2003 at 12:27:29:

In Reply to: Lemme try this again;) posted by Mark Schmidtke on May 12, 2003 at 12:11:42:


I may not be patient enough for such a hobby!

I did think i saw a little slice line in one of the big eggs, but apparently that spot was no good, no action since yesterday there. at least i know there's SOMETHING going on in there! lol

:No they don't always come through the top. sometimes they come through the sides and I've even had some cut their way into other eggs and then both babies came out of that egg (looked like twins, but they weren't)

:I have noticed sometimes that there is a kind of a dark spot when they get close to hatching, if you look close you can see individual lines where the egg tooth is scoring the inside of the egg, but that doesn't mean they will be coming out there. Quite a few of my eggs get multiple slashes in them. They'll slash open a hole and stick their nose out for their first breath of air, then retreat back into their shell and then slash open a new hole from which they make their escape. I've seen more then a few eggs that looked like jack the ripper was there.

:When will they come out? When they're darn good and ready to come out and not a moment sooner ;-) . About the time that you notice the first cut in the egg bubbling they'll come out about a day later.


::First question, do they "always" hatch out the top facing part of the egg?
::Second, if an egg that looked normal yesterday (some even a few hours ago), now has a darker almost wet looking, but dry feeling spot, is this maybe where the hatchling is working with his egg tooth? (it's definately coming through from the inside, because it feels like normal on the outside, cept maybe a tad softer.)
::Lastly, WHEN WILL THEY COME OUT!!!!!???? LOL
::I know the last question is impossible to answer;)

::But I just checked the 12 good eggs pretty closely, and about 8 of them now have the "wet-looking" dots, some on the top, a couple on the bottom part of the egg. (no, i didn't turn the eggs, i lifted them up) and today is day 61!

::any idea's if these are signs or know of any other "signs" of impending pip You could add?

::I posted this same message below, but i think it got lost under the ambers;)

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