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Lemme try this again;)

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Posted by IcedGoddess on May 12, 2003 at 11:52:34:

In Reply to: Lemme try this again;) posted by Shaky on May 12, 2003 at 10:37:36:

I'm glad to hear they don't always come out of the top, I don't know why I thought they did, and I worried about the eggs that had the (what i think is the egg tooth working through) wet-looking spots on the bottom, only two have it on the bottom, and they are the biggest healthiest looking eggs in there.
the temps have actually run about 82 for the last two weeks or so, we had a cold spell up here, so I moved them from the "home-made" incubator to the hovabator. And it's been much more consistant. i'm counting the days here! LOL, and peeking at the eggs just waiting to catch the first one on camera! hahaha

Oh, and how long should I let them stay together, some are 3 and 4 in a deli, if i manage to stay away from peeking long enough to have them all hatch in one deli, is it urgent that i seperate them? or will they survive up to 12 hours together without sibling eatery?

:No, they dont always come out at the tops.
:I dunno about the "wet spots", and hatchtime depends on temperature.
:If they are going to hatch, they should come out fairly soon if your temps stayed @ 84 degrees F.

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