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One 50th of a dollar. :)

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Posted by h0mersimps0n on May 08, 2003 at 23:00:27:

In Reply to: One 50th of a dollar. :) posted by Serpwidgets on May 08, 2003 at 22:30:10:

Thanks, you're very right.

I think my original understanding was that there were only a handful of professional breeders and I wasn't really looking to rank them in any way but more like list them in a collective spot so I could bookmark them etc.

What I'm looking for in a:

Miami: bright organges, silver grays and clean solid colors
Charcoal: solid gray/silver with deep dark black
Motley: a nice red or miami tinge, miami stripe or bloodred
motley, the redder the better.

thanks for your response everyone. I have my last final saturday and will compile and possible post a website with a summary of the links you all posted so PLEASE KEEP THEM COMING!

:I think it depends on what you are looking for, not just morph-wise, but how your tastes work within the variations of the morphs. It's like asking who has the "best" pizza, so you're definitely gonna get a tons of different answers. ;)

:IMO if you're looking for top-notch (to my taste) Miami's, I'd say get in contact with Frank Pinello.

:I doubt anyone could say any individual has the "best" motleys. (?)
:Motleys are so variable that I think your best bet is attending a lot of shows, preferrably big ones, and browsing around until you find the one for you. Also, if there's something specific within the motley pattern you really like, ask breeders through email if they can get you something that matches your description.

:Charcoals, I dunno how you'd define "the best" charcoal. Is it about the pattern, specific colors (lighter or darker than normal) or size or personality or what? ;-)

:Another breeder on the web to look into: Sean at VMS Professional Herpetoculture (

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