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:) good, I had never seen you post a slam before;) n/p

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Posted by IcedGoddess on May 08, 2003 at 08:16:49:

In Reply to: Re: Yes - it was about refund,sorry if it sounded wrong,n/p posted by woodheadd on May 07, 2003 at 17:05:50:


::I don't know what you were intending by the subject of your post, but I don't think that here is the appropriate place to state your negative opinions of a breeder. Theres a separate board for that.

::If you were meaning that it is typical of him to refund money, well then I apologize for my previous paragraph.

::I did contact him, and we did settle the matter. He was very polite and helpful in both his information and his service. He's human, and everyone makes mistakes. I don't blame him for what happened. When you have thousands of snakes go through your hands every year, honest mistakes will be made. It happens, kind of a Murphy's Law of sorts.

::This will not tarnish my business with him, and I hope no one else's either. I will continue to buy snakes from him. I just now have a very "special" blizzard corn snake. Not everyone has a snake with a horn. =P

::Take care,



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