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Posted by IcedGoddess on May 07, 2003 at 12:39:02:

In Reply to: Incubator questions..trying to get things prepared.. posted by Taceas on May 07, 2003 at 12:32:25:

work great!
and even the 9+" deli cups come in the 3" depth. I got mine at LLL Reptile, under packaging and shipping materials, but others may know of cheaper places to get them.

I know what you mean about hovabator temp, I kept lowering it, and lowering

:Ok, I've got my Hova-bator set up and it's been running in between 81-85F (depending on room temperature at the time). I'm going to leave it running until Hecate lays, just to make sure that it'll be fine to trust the temp on it.

:It sure is exasperating trying to get a device made to run at 99-101F, to run at a mere ~83F. I've got two thermometers, the one that came with it, and a digital one that shows max/min and relative humidity.

:My main question to you all who use hova-bators is, what kind of containers do you put the eggs and medium into that will fit in the incubator? I thought my small plastic boxes with lids would fit, but too tall, they kept hitting the heating element.

:I thought about deli-cups, like the one's that you get with hatchling snakes..but what if I can't get the eggs separated individually to put them in separate deli-cups? Do they make different sized deli-cups? =P



:Semper paratus. They shoulda let me in the boy scouts, darnit. =P

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