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BIG and small eggs???

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Posted by IcedGoddess on May 07, 2003 at 08:37:50:

In Reply to: Eggs, day ~45 (pics) posted by Serpwidgets on May 07, 2003 at 04:08:39:

I noticed that in my clutch I have some really big ones, and some smaller. Do different sized snakes come out of them? Or is size at all an indicator of weather or not they will hatch? I'm only about 4 days away from my "predicted" hatching date:)

OH, and how do I stop myself from checking the incubator every two minutes for a crack in an egg!?!?!?! lol

That moss looks really nice to work with....what is it?

:This is from a lav male bred to a snow het hypo/motley.

:Here's the whole clutch.

:Here's a size comparison, every time she has some eggs that are way bigger than others.
:It has previously been a few big ones among average-sized ones. This year it was more like most of them were "big." :)

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