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Off Topic Question: Anyone else have problems with flies?

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Posted by Taceas on May 06, 2003 at 15:57:31:

Right now I've got a swarm of flies in my house, and I don't know what type they are or where they came from. They aren't your typical house-fly either. Instead of landing on stuff, they like to fly in a zig-zag motion in mid-air, chasing intruders into their air-space.

I've cleaned out the ferret potty, kitty-litter pans everything that I can think of, and disinfected it. And I still have thousands of them in my house. A fly tape gets filled up in a couple of days to where there isn't any room left for getting stuck.

I don't know how to get rid of them. They're annoying as hell. Flying around you, around the kitchen, in every room.

Anyone know of anything that'll kill this little suckers?


Misty =P

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