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Thanks for the input guys, I appreciate it! n/p

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Posted by mike_panic on May 05, 2003 at 15:20:57:

In Reply to: a question about feeding live and breeding mice.......... posted by Marcel Poots on May 04, 2003 at 13:22:55:

:I am not currently breeding my own mice but did do that for more than 5 years. I got bummed out of cleaning the cages twice a week. It really gets to you ;-) But to answer your question, no snakes do not stay in feeding mode when you have a breeding colony in the snake room. You will see they will get in action only when a mouse enters the cage. I used to feed 20 corns on only 4 bins with each one male and four females. I bred hundreds of mice each year. I even froze in a few hundred for my hatchling burmese pythons. I had one big bin where I put the weaned ones in and some of them where pregnant before I could feed them to my snakes ;-) (mostly 3 weeks after being weaned)


::hello guys, after finally getting fed up with mice dealers and the ever climbing costs of frozen mice, I have decided to attempt to breed my own. I have a couple of questions for those who do the same. First, yes I know to stun the mouse before I put him in the snake enclosure and yes I know of the smell. Does anyone breed mice in the same room that their snakes are in. Im not talking a lot of mice, Im starting with five bins of 2.5. Does the smell keep the snakes constantly hungry?(I figured if anything, they would get more exercise). I have always kept a very strict feeing regimin and will continue to do so. Do they become no longer excited about the smell of a mouse, ie feeding day? Anyone who breeds mice in the same room as their snakes could you please list some pros(if any) and cons. Include how many bins of what ratio, and how many snakes you can feed with them. Thanks alot, I appreciate it. Mike Panichi


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