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Does anyone let the female incubate her own eggs?

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Posted by Marcel Poots on May 05, 2003 at 12:12:30:

In Reply to: Does anyone let the female incubate her own eggs? posted by IcedGoddess on May 05, 2003 at 11:59:20:

Pythons do thermoregulate the eggs by twitching. My female burm let her coils loose when temps where too warm and started to twich when temps dropped below 88 degrees. Pythons only can or do this thermoregulating. Corns do leave the eggs immediatly since they are not built to stay another 70 days on the eggs whithout eating.


:Just curious if anyone lets mom incubate her own eggs? I know it's more regulated and "safer" to incubate them in an "incubator" and that's where Ruby's eggs are. So don't anyone get all worried about her babies;) In the wild, do they incubate them, or burry them someplace they think is warm and damp enough and go off leaving the eggs on their own?

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