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I agree as well..

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Posted by Taceas on May 05, 2003 at 03:11:58:

In Reply to: To Everyone Who Responded To Kitty's Questions posted by Sonya on May 04, 2003 at 16:53:54:

We all have tried to help her, through the loss of her snakes and through the myriad of questions that she has asked. But to me, it seems like the answers that we all gave, just went in one ear and right out the other without a pit-stop in between.

I agree that boids are probably not the thing for her right now. She doesn't seem to possess the knowledge nor the maturity to keep corn snakes for the most part, and I think attempting with a boa or more pricey snake would be a disaster in the making. Hell, I've lost two juvenile ball pythons this year, and that was the last of my even trying with a more expensive snake.

And for those of you who said the rest of us were being cruel, mean, etc: Look at her posts for the past month. We've all tried to help her. We've all answered her questions, no matter how off the wall. And what has she done? Ignored our answers and advice and continued on this tyrade of her's.

I don't know what the solution to this might be. Yes, it would be sad if she left the forums, as it seems we're the only quality source of information she has made an attempt to check into. But there's a limit to people's generosity and patience, even mine, and I'm trained to have quite a bit of patience.

I hope that by reading everyone's posts, both for and against her, she begins to understand what it is we're trying to tell her. We've tried the "nice" route, and that doesn't seem to have some people are putting it plainfully blunt in a last ditch effort. Which also doesn't seem to be working either, as she pulled the "pouting" thing on them.

So I think that she needs to grow up just a little, read informational books BEFORE she buys anything more, and take the cotton out of her ears and try to understand exactly what we're saying to her. My mom always said, "sometimes the truth hurts". The truth may hurt, but at least we're *trying* to help.


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