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all i asked was a question you didn't have to be so mean

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Posted by Sonya on May 03, 2003 at 21:59:23:

In Reply to: all i asked was a question you didn't have to be so mean posted by hells_kitty on May 03, 2003 at 19:38:36:

:all i asked was a question i didn't ask you how well i take care of my animals ok you think it doesn't hurt me that i lost my snake well it does ok and i did take care of it if i didn't then it would have died ok and the reason why i asked if corns can go with balls is cuz i was ganna get a ball and what if my corn showed up all i wanted it know is it if would be ok, and my dad if good with reptiles he knows alot about them and sence he's home from work more often now i was thinking on getting a colombian boa, you have no right saying al this sh*t about me and how i care for my pets jesus crist aleast you could have put it in a nice way for all you know i could be suicidel and something like this can just about set it off so before you say something mean you should think for god sake use your brain

Seems to me that an awful lot of your posts are very much about you and very little about your pet. I personally worry about the care the snake is getting and sincerely am not responsible for the owners insecuritys or instabilitys. Do give us a break. If your dad is so knowledgable then why have you been bombarding the forums with basic care questions.
No BCC or BCI is gonna stay under 5 ft. And if you can freak over the care of a corn snake PLEASE do us all a favor (the next snake especially) and go out and buy several books on their care. Search Amazon and find some.

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