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Well, the 'mystery' is over..........

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Posted by Marcel Poots on May 03, 2003 at 13:53:01:

In Reply to: Well, the 'mystery' is over.......... posted by joe clark on May 03, 2003 at 13:45:30:

Outside internet are the most amazing corns out there I tell you. Congrats on the Hypo Charcoal. That is really great. In Holland here on snake shows popped up Striped Pewters, Motley Pewters, Motley Bloodreds (pure Bloodred) etc etc. These are from people that do not know how valueable these snakes are. They just don't know what they created LOL.


:I just had to share some good news with my fellow corn-nuts.
:I was finally able to track down the breeder (B.H.B.) of my unusually light charcoal. Brian Barczyk of B.H.B. was able to confirm that he IS hypo, and thus a Charcoal Ghost.:)
:What are the odds of me finding a Charcoal Ghost in a pet store in Ontario, Canada? Pretty slim, I'd say. Excuse me while I buy a lotto ticket.LOL
:I will now be breeding him to an anery mot het hypo to get hypos het for anery/charcoal/motley. In 2005 I will hold back all of the hatchlings from the F1s until I can determine which, if any, are 'Charcoal Ghost Motleys.' ('Phantom Motley' seems much less of a mouthfull.)
:Just had to share the news with those who could appreciate my excitement.;)
:joe clark

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