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Can I ask why?

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Posted by Marcel Poots on May 02, 2003 at 00:26:01:

In Reply to: Can I ask why? posted by Amanda E on May 01, 2003 at 16:06:03:

Well, I have been keeping snakes for quite some time now and when I started I have killed my first two corns because I handled them every day. They started to regurge and I had no access to internet then (I wonder if there was internet 12 years ago ;-)So right after the first two died I started over and never handled my snakes again. They seemed to do a lot better and eat better and grow better etc etc. I kept mainly species that did not liked being handled (Amazon tree boa's is one of them). Right now I have one boa constrictor that I bought as a pet purpose. She also is not fond of being handled but I am working on that. Yes, I have my snakes pure for viewing only. ;-) It's my believe that snakes don't like being handled no matter how much we like to think they do.


:You say you don't handle your snakes for the fun of it.

:Why do you keep them then?

:Is it because you would rather just have display animals?

:The reason I ask is even though I have all of mine in glass aquariums, I don't spend any time watching them. The time I do spend with them (beside during cleaning and feeding) is purely to handle them for the fun of it.

:Sometimes I find it hard to justify the keeping of an animal if it is something I will never hold and interact with. I want animals that I can hold. Watching animals through glass (or plastic, etc.) just doesn't cut it for me. Therefore I will never buy extremely large snakes (Burms, Retics), Chameleons, or amphibians. I'm sure there are other's but I can't think of them right now. (Probably because they aren't on my wish list of herps to keep.)

:PS. I don't know if anyone else has had this problem or not, but when I tried to respond to this post I was immediately swept to the banner's site (The Daytona Expo). Like they have the links all screwed up. I wasn't able to post until I hit the "Preview Message" button and then the "Edit Message" button.

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