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wut do ya think it is?

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Posted by Hurley on April 30, 2003 at 18:04:44:

In Reply to: wut do ya think it is? posted by the-mikester on April 29, 2003 at 23:02:52:

The reverse Okeetees I've seen as hatchlings tend to have very exaggerated white saddle much so that you almost lose the red saddles towards the tail. Here's a pic of a young reverse Okeetee hatchling that was a month old IIRC.

Here is a clutchmate that had more color to him, but still had the broad white saddle borders.

For comparison, here's a juvenile Okeetee.

Here's a hatchling that is definitely not an amel Okeetee. He doesn't have the high orange background color (nor will he ever) and his clear saddle borders are only 1/2 scale wide, if that. Even if he had the brightest orange background you ever did see, he'd never be an albino Okeetee since his saddle borders are too thin.


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