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Posted by h0mersimps0n on April 30, 2003 at 07:31:53:

In Reply to: Pictures of 'self everting' event posted by Serpwidgets on April 30, 2003 at 03:32:49:

The first time my male and female were put back together after about 4 weeks separation to allow her to lay her eggs in peace, he crawled over her, FULLY extended his hemi-penis's AND did the deed all over her (dirty crap made a mess). She was not receptive but since then they've gotten it on at least a few times...

My leopard gecko make does the same thing...

must be a reptile thing to pull out your slong and show it to girls... damn if we did that we'd end up in jail :-P

:I've mentioned this a few times recently, so I thought I'd post pictures of it so people know what I'm talking about.

:Probing and popping all have margins of error, even when the experts do it. The thing I like about this is that it's 100% proof that you've got a male. Best I can tell anyway... I doubt a female will ever evert her hemipenes. ;)

:Before it happens, he'll lift his entire tail in the air. Then out come the hemis:
:They don't come out any farther than this, and I'm pretty sure this is not the entire hemipene.

:Then they retract, and leave this behind:

:The other important observation I've made about this is that it's only good for saying, "it's a male." If he doesn't do this, it doesn't prove he's not a male. Also, just because a male does this doesn't mean he's sure to breed, or that he'll be potent.

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