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Posted by Serpwidgets on April 30, 2003 at 01:19:03:

In Reply to: Progress! posted by Drizzt80 on April 29, 2003 at 23:28:22:

I would definitely try putting any "suspect" individuals with both genders. After watching their courtship rituals and battles, you will quickly pick up on what is "male to male" versus "male to female" behavior.

I discovered this year that my "female" lavender--which the herp shop even took into the back to probe, and had said she produced eggs last year--was a male. It was obvious by "her" reaction to the male I wanted to breed "her" to. LOL, "she" is a very aggressive breeder and got on top of the other male... ran him off in a matter of seconds.

Also, watch the tail when you put them together. (Or when you pick them up if you already smell like female corn.)

When you put a male in with someone else (male or female, half the time it doesn't matter) during breeding season, he will often lift his tail, pop out his hemipenes partway, and have little white "boogers" (about the size of rice grains) on each side of his vent until they wipe off on something.

Surprisingly, I've never heard of this before, but all of my males do this... not always but at least most of the time. So I don't think it's isolated to my collection. (?) I've used this to discover and confirm males as young as 9 months old. Although it's not a sign that they are "ready" or "willing" it is a pretty handy way to be sure they are males. :)

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