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wut do ya think it is?

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Posted by Serpwidgets on April 30, 2003 at 00:47:04:

In Reply to: wut do ya think it is? posted by the-mikester on April 29, 2003 at 23:02:52:

I think it's too early to tell. A lot of it depends on the parents, and how this individual turns out. How old is it, because I'd think if he's gonna turn out orange, there'd a lot more orange on him by now if he's 8 or so months old.

Here's an '01 normal, who had considerable white on him as a baby. This was him on October of 2001, at about 3 months old.

As he matured, it thinned out quite a bit. (They seem to do that in this line.) Here's him today, the white is all but gone, and he's almost 2 years old now.

But I'm really picky about what I call reverse Okeetee... This one (the father of the above normal) doesn't qualify, IMO. And it's one of mine, hehe.

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