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Posted by Serpwidgets on April 28, 2003 at 21:07:12:

In Reply to: Can/Will females 'jerk' during breeding? posted by Drizzt80 on April 28, 2003 at 20:15:03:

Has anyone experienced a female snake doing the herky jerky movements when in the presence of a male during breeding, or is it just the male who will do this little dance?

I have several corns that are really easy to get into twitching. I just pet them on the neck and they twitch. :)

Males and females will do this. In my expereince it's for different reasons and at different times, depending on the individual corn.

I've yet to find a pattern to say, "twitching means exactly this in all corns." Some do it when they want to breed, some do it when they don't want to breed, some do it when they smell or come into contact with another corn, some do so when they're hanging out with me.


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